Tuesday, October 13, 2015

My Reading and Writing Career

                                                    My Reading and Writing Career
       Since I studies English from my primary school, I had already studied English for a long time. When I was studying English in my primary school, the thing I spend the most time on was reading. At that time, I studied English by reading English articles. Also, when was learning Chinese, I need to read a lot of different kind of articles. When we finished reading, teacher would let us write the things we read before. When I was in 5 grades, I didn’t like reading, because the thing related to reading is only study. I can tell that most of the people don't like to study when they are children. Same as me, when I was a child the only thing I wanted to do was to play with my friends and watched TV.
        As my age grew up, I started reading novel. I love reading fiction novel, sometime I could read a novel until 4 or 5am in the morning. My mom was happy to see I started love to read, but also she was worried about me didn’t have enough time to sleep. I felt like reading was one of my hobbies in my life. Before, I thought reading was boring, and hard, but now I like it and it is interesting. I like to read novel most, especially fiction novel. Because many things that are impossible to happen in our real life are all able to happen in the fiction novel. When I was reading a fiction novel, I always feel relax.
        Few week ago, in my English class, I started read a book name Persepolis. It was a new type of book that I never read before. It was a graphic novel, it looks like a comic but the story in a graphic novel is usually longer and more meaningful. When I read “Persepolis”, not like other English book, I would like to keep reading it somehow. The book I read in my English class before all had a lot of words in it, I usually felt tired when I read them. And I need to spend a long time to read one chapter. But “Persepolis” is easier for me to read, it is also my favorite English book that I have read in English for class. My favorite book I ever read in my life is a Chinese fiction novel called “The Extra Fourteenth”, it is a horror novel, and I had read this book for 3 times, every time I read I could find something new from the book. That is also one of the reasons why I like this book.
       For my writing career, I spend a lot of time on writing essay when I was in primary and middle school. I was hard to write a long essay before, but as I wrote more, my writing become well. But when I writing a English essay, I usually easy to make many grammar mistakes. I think I need more practice to improve my English writing skills. But I my free time, I am not a fans on writing, I don’t write a lot. But don’t worry; I will always finish my writing assignment on time, haha.
        My reading and writing career is almost as long as my life, even though these two things are not the things I love most, but they are already become parts of my life. Also, it is important to know how to read and how to read in your life. Reading can help you know about what is happening in the world, writing help you to community with others. I will keep reading and writing in my life, my career will never end in my life. Although I don’t like them all, they are important to me. They had already become part of my life. 

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