Monday, January 18, 2016

Blog 1/18

          Olivia is Lorenzo's stepsister, she appears in the very front of the first chapter, then she had been disappear for a while in the book. In chapter 5, she shows up again. Lorenzo describes she is really beautiful, and has hot body. She is 9 years older than Lorenzo, Lorenzo doesn't have a lot of memory about Olivia, but the second day he stays in the basement, Olivia called him and found him he was in the basement. At the night of that day, Olivia went to the basement and asked Lorenzo to let her to stay in the basement for a night, but Lorenzo didn't agree with that, that is his own space, and the space is only able to let one person to live in, and the food is also limited, so Lorenzo does not want Olivia to stay with him, but Olivia suddenly shouts outside of the house 'Listen up, everyone! Can you hear me? A boy is hiding in the cellar. It’s Lorenzo Cuni, who’s pretending to be away on ski week . . . Hello . . .', Lorenzo was afraid of her, and scares that somebody will finds out that he stays in the basement. So he let Olivia in, and let her to live in the basement for one day. Olivia looks different than before, she seem lose her beauty. 
         In the third day, Olivia said that she is not going to leave, she will stay here, but Lorenzo didn't agree again and argue with her, during their argue, Lorenzo mother called Lorenzo again, she said that Alessia must talked to her this time, Lorenzo had no chose, he bets Olivia to help him, he wanted Olivia to act as Alessia mother, Olivia didn't want to do that unless Lorenzo can be her "slave", and let her to continue stay in the basement. Lorenzo didn't have a chose so he agree with her. Lorenzo was safe from her mother phone called, but after a while, Olivia shows that her body is not in a good situation, she throws up in the bathroom. When Olivia woke up in the morning, Lorenzo describes as"She looked liked she’d been chewed up and spat out by a monster who had found her too bitter to eat.", is show maybe she had been a long day yesterday and didn't rest for a long time. The last day, Lorenzo found out that Olivia hates father a lot, father seems abandon her, she didn't get a lot of care from father. The only thing father did for her is he will sends money to Olivia when she needs some. She lives by herself, she did everything in her life by herself. Lorenzo started felt sorry for Olivia, Olivia seems in a poor situation. She has no place to live, her body is in an unhealthy situation, she becomes live dirty, wears dirty boots, becomes different with the Olivia in Lorenzo's memory. So Lorenzo starts felt sorry for her. Maybe he will think he needs to let her stays here, and helps her. 

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