Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Winter break

       In this winter break, one of the exciting things I did is I went to a city in China called Wuhan to visit my old friend. I know him last year in our school, but now he is studying in another school. I had long time for not meeting him, I missed him so I decided to go to his city to find him. On this trip, I go with Kevin and we had a lot of fun in Wuhan.
       On 28th, January, I woke up early to take the train to Wuhan, my train is at 9:15am, I left my home at 8am, I thought I had plants of time to go to the train station, but on the way to the train station, there was a traffic jam, because everyone in the city were on the way to there work, I waste a lot of time on the way to the train station, most in the time, I was stuck on the road, because my car couldn't move. When I arrived the train station is was already 9am, I needed to get my ticket and  got into the train in 15 minutes, when I ran into the train station, I met another problem , there were a lot of people waiting on the line to get the train tickets, I must wait on the line. Fortunately, there was a line for the people who have the train in next coming 30 minutes, so those people can get the ticket faster. I did everything in hurry, when I got into the train and sit on the seat, the train just start moving. I was tired in the morning for woke up early and did so many things in hurry, so I slept in the train, but when I slept I was also in a nervous condition, because I afraid I will slept over the Wuhan station. After four hours on the train, I arrived Wuhan. Wuhan is a beautiful city, the two days I spend in Wuhan there was haze in the city, the weather was not that good. But this could not change my happy feeling in Wuhan, I ate a lot of tradition foods in Wuhan, I still missed the taste of the foods in there. I didn't do a lot of sightseeing in Wuhan, because the reason I went there was to find my friend. We talked a lot, and most of the thing we did there was talking. We had so many things to talk about, and we missed each other very much. 
         Because the time I went to Wuhan was near new year, so I didn't spend a lot of time to stay in there, I need to go back to my city. Although the time I spend in Wuhan was short, but it was one of the most exciting and happy time in my winter break.  

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