Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Self- Assessment for dairy

       I think my dairy turn out not bad. It is my first time to write a dairy, at the very beginning of my writing, I didn't know what can I write about, I need to used a very long time to write one entry, but as the time goes on, I become more skilled on it, when I finished this dairy I felt confident and happy on myself. 
       In my dairy, I creat some new characters. Because the dairy I wrote about is Ellen's dairy, so most of the characters I creat are Ellen's friend. I had described each character in some entries of my dairy. So I think I will give myself an A on this part.
       For detail, I think my dairy has a lot of detail. But for the front part of my dairy, I didn't pay a lot of attention on writing detail, but I start to mention more details. For this part I may give myself an A- or B+.
       The three most important things a dairy is norration, description, reflection. I think I did a lot of work on describe how did my character felt about in my dairy, and also I include a lot of detail of what is happening in my dairy. I had include many things that are happening in "Gathering the Pearl", and also a lot of things that are creat by myself like dancing performance in my dairy. I think I did a not bad job in this part, so I would give myself a A. 
         In my dairy, I think there are still some grammar mistakes, I had correct many of them, as I went to the writing center, Ms. Swift also help me to correct my grammar mistake too. In my dairy, there may be three different kind of tenses in one entry. I think I wrote most of my sentence in the correct tense, but sometime I may confuse myself as I used so many tenses in one entry. For this part, I think I may had a B+ or something like that. 
           The last things is the length of my dairy, I wrote about 3000 words for my dairy. I think this is the perfect length for my dairy. As Ms. Guarding said that we need to wrote at least 1900 words, but as my dairy went on, I felt like 1900 words in not enough to include detail in the dairy. So I think about 3000 words should be the perfect amount of t words. For this part, I may give myself a A+. Hahaha. 

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