Sunday, December 13, 2015

Blog about Writing center

      This Tuesday, I went to writing center to get some advices about my "Gathering the Pearl" character's diary. My diary is about Ellen's life in "Gathering the Pearl". I had already finished 3/4 of my dairy that day, so I try to get some advices about what can I improve in my last 1/4 dairy, and what can I change or fix in the part that I had already finished. 
      When I first went into the writing, I was surprised about the atmosphere in the writing center. It is not like a normal classroom, it is more like a place for you to have a rest, there is a table on the center and some snacks on the table, also there are some cups for you to get drink and you can make your own coffee too. It make me felt relax and warm. Mrs. Swift is the teacher who helped me to fix my dairy. She first look at my dairy, because there are a lots of entries in my dairy so we just looked at some important entries in my dairy. The most frequent errors in my dairy is tense. Because dairy is very different from other writing essay, every single entry can include many tense, you need to use present tense to describe you feeling when you writing the dairy; you need to use past tense to describe the things that happened in the early of that day; you need to use further tense to describe the things that may happen in the future. I think it is difficult to change the tense and use so many tense in a very short dairy. Another two errors that is I usually will make mistakes on some proper noun, like some classes name; and I need more description in my diary, I should add more descriptions about things that happen in a day, or some descriptions about a character in the story. Because a good dairy should include many detail of things. 
          Also one of the most important things in this dairy is that you need to know about the character in the story very well, because you are not writing your own dairy, you are writing a dairy for a character in the book. So you should know about the characteristics of the character, what will the character do in his or her life, what will she or he think when she or he meet somebody or something happen. This can be challenge for me, because I can't write a dairy best on my own felling I should write a dairy base on Ellen's felling. 
           In the writing, Mrs. Swift also show me her favorite magazine, named National Geography. There are a lot of photos, and stories. I can know a lot of interesting things in this magazine, these things can also be materials in my essay. People will never lack of materials to write about, people just need a pair of eyes to find materials. 

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