Friday, January 29, 2016

Blog 1/29

           In the end of the book, Lorenzo change from a close boy into a open boy. This change is because of his sister Olivia. Olivia is a bad girl, she smoke, she took drug, she hate her father, everything suit her as a traitorous girl. She is similar with Lorenzo at some point, for example, she and Lorenzo is both a good actor, they are both every lonely. During the day's they spend in the basement, Olivia showed very sick, she vomited, she trembled, she even couldn't got up from the floor when she fall down. From the letter, Lorenzo knew that Olivia seemed been abandoned by father, it force her to live by herself. Lorenzo found a person who had same situation, they became closer as they stay for a longer time in the basement, when Lorenzo saw Olivia was painful, he tried to help her, he tried to get some medicines for her. This movement shows Lorenzo starts changing himself. After he helped Olivia, he felt he did something was meaningful to him. The ice wall that block him and others people had been melted as the time passed though.

          The ending was Olivia died after ten years, when I read this it actually shock me. I know something would happen in the end to connect with the preface. At first, I think Lorenzo may meet with his sister after 10 years, they may have lot of things to talk. They may celebrate they meet again, because Lorenzo had promised to Olivia that he would meet her again in the later years. I never imagine Olivia would died so fast, this makes me think that maybe Olivia still had bad life after she left the basement. But later, I come out from the shocking, the author did a great job on controlling reader emotion, the ending make this story different, if there is a happy ending this would be a normal story, but this ending make this story special. I think this is why we are reading this book. World is not always good, and beautiful, you should face to what they world is like. 

      Two people in a same situation will help each other, so I actually expect that Olivia would change and Olivia should be important to Lorenzo or she won't mention in the front of the story. In the basement, there are only Lorenzo and Olivia, they both need some help from each other, Olivia needed a place to stay, Lorenzo needed some one to pretend as Alessia's mother. So they should get closer in the basement. When the story began, the first character Lorenzo mentions is Olivia, so she should be a very important person to Lorenzo. When I reading the preface, Lorenzo was mature, although he didn't talk a lot with waitress, but it shows he grow up. Olivia is the link between old Lorenzo and new Lorenzo, she help him to change. After reading this story, I learn that in our life, we will have some change, we will grow up one day. We won't stay the same. Some people in your life would change you in some way, cherish them, maybe one day they will leave without warming.  

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