Monday, February 1, 2016

Movie list

The Shawshank Redemption
Andy is a banker, he went into jail because of unjust case, in the jail he met many people, those people change his life, those people give him hope in the jail, it make him escape successfully from the jail. As the movie slogan said, "Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free."

Good Will Hunting
The movie is about a cleaner in MIT(Will hunting), he had high IQ, but he is a bad boy in the society, the professor wants to help him, and doesn't want him to waste his math talent. In the end, Will Hunting and professor Lambeau become friend, professor helps Will come out from the shadow in his heat and be himself. 

The King's speech 
George VI was the Prince of England, he had stammer though his speech. This was bad for a prince, that he couldn't speak in front of public. Under his wife help, he overcome his stammer and did a successful speech to courage the army in war. 

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