Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Good Will Hunting summary

           “Good Will Hunting” is about a cleaner in MIT, his name is Will hunting, he has super high IQ, he always solve the problem which professor Lambeau wrote on the board in the hallway during his working time. He is a genius, but he didn’t want to show others his talent. Professor Lambeau wanted to find out who wrote the question on his board, one day when Will was doing the problem, professor met him. Professor find him, and he wanted Will can use his talent on math, but Will didn’t reply with him. After few days, Will went into the detention house, because he fought with others, Professor Lambeau promised to Will that he could let him out, but he need to do job for him and went to see a psychology doctor , Will agreed and started doing job for Professor. The psychology doctor called Sean, he is the person who changed Will’s life.

        When Will first met Sean, he told Sean that Sean should be in a bad situation, and he married with a wrong woman, because he saw there is a picture about a man in rainstorm hangs on the wall. But Sean reaction shocked Will, not like others psychology doctors, Sean didn’t hide his anger after he had been humiliated by Will. He shouted to Will told him don’t humiliate his dead wife. Sean should his real reaction to Will, this make Will changed his opinion. He found that expresses one’s anger to others didn’t mean stop the relation others. Sean said that Will just a kid. He used his talent to protect himself, he only show his talent to books, but no matter how many book he read, Will never try things in his life, he never know the things in the world, he lost a lot of feeling in his life. Will started to accept Sean, and started to talk to him.
        Sean told him to try things in his life. Don’t always hide himself. Will told Sean he loves a girl, she 
was perfect so he was afraid to get in touch with her. But Sean said nobody in the world is perfect, people just afraid to show their imperfect to the perfect people so they will never close with other. He encouraged Will to talk to the girl; nobody is perfect, if you can accept her defects, then she was the perfect to him. So Will went to find the girl, her name is Skylar. She was another person who changed Will.

        After they became couple, Will always though Skylar didn’t love him, he though he is just an excessive boyfriend to Skylar, one day she would gave up him and found another boyfriend. So when Skylar asked Will to go to California with her for her job, Will rejected her. They broke up, they both had their own logic, Skylar though she want to show her love by let Will to go to California with her, but Will think Skylar to give up him by using went to California with her as a reason. They didn’t trust each other, this make them broke up.
       After this, Will found his friend Chunckie, Will said it was good to stay like this, hope their kids can have a good life, but Chunkie said to Will that if when they are 50 years old, Will still stayed with him, he would killed him. He wanted Will can show his talent in the world; he didn’t want Will to waste his talent. This conversation change Will, the reason why Will didn’t want to show his talent was talent always made him stay away with others, but be a normal person can let him had friends like Chunkies. He afraid his talent would let him lost Chunkies who was one of the only people who supported him in the world. But when Chunkies told him this, he decided to face to the world. When he went into Sean room again, he laid in Sean’s hug and cry, this show him he started accept other in his life.

       In the end of the story, Will drove the car that his friend gave him to California to find Skylar. He changed himself. 

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