Sunday, February 14, 2016

First paragraph

<<Me and You>> shows everyone in the world can change themselves, they just lack of a person who can really listen to them, if you have a person who will support, and everyone can change themselves. The main character Lorenzo was a smart kid, he was lonely and didn’t have many friends, but after he met her sister Olivia and got alone with her in the basement for few days he got affect by Olivia and changed into a normal kid who would like to get closer with outside world. Lorenzo was smart kid and a good actor: “I pretend to be a normal kid with problems”(Ammaniti 29). From this we can know he didn’t want anyone to know who he really is, so he always wore a mask in his life. Many people who shows like they was unsocial is usually smart, sometime they just want to protect themselves by not talking with others. In <<Me and You>>, Lorenzo afraid of talking with others: “You have to be very confident to make jokes in public”(Ammaniti 19). Lorenzo didn’t have confident to talk with others. Sometime, people just doesn't have the courage to do something, but courage is usually hard to get, but everything changes after he met his sister, Lorenzo describe his sister as “She’d lost a lot of weight and her square cheekbones stuck out. Her face looked stretched and tired. She wasn’t as beautiful as she had been two years ago”(Ammaniti 74). He saw Olivia, who was in a similar situation with him, didn’t have many friends, but even worse than him. So when he saw Olivia was in painful, he decided to help her, which make himself felt he really did something meaningful to somebody. It is the first time he had this kind of feeling. This was the turning point in his life, and Olivia is center in this whole event, Lorenzo got change: “I felt alive-it took my breath away. In a few hours I would leave that cellar. And everything might go back to the way it was. And yet I knew that beyond that door the world be able to talk to the others like I was one of them”(Ammaniti 143). Before Lorenzo was a unsocial boy, he afraid of everything which needs to do with others, but after he met Olivia, he danced with her, he started have confident to do social contract with outside world. Olivia is a person who know about him; a person with who can express his emotion to; a person who help him to break the wall between him and the outside world. Everyone in the world will meet this kinds of people in their life, they could be your teachers, your friends, or your parents. So <<Me and You>> demonstrates that there is no problem kid, every “unsociable people” need a person to give them confident to Contact with the Outside World, and they will all change themselves.

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