Thursday, March 10, 2016

Description of Pobby and Dingan

        Pobby and Dingan are two children about 12 years old, according to the book. It talks about there is a picture about Dingan and Kellyanne, it said Dingan is 12 years old. Dingan is girl, so she is shorter than Pobby. Kellyanne talks a lot about Pobby and Dingan in chapter 7 when she talks with the people who come to their home and said that they had found Pobby and Dingan. There is one interesting fact is Pobby and Dingan never sleep, they don't need to rest themselves, this make me feel,like they may not be human, they may be aliens. The food they eat is strange too, they only eat Cherry Ripes and Violet Crumbles and lollies. Also they are both pacifist, they will never shoot. Although they have so many similarity, they still have some specific characteristics for their own. Dingan has a opal in her belly button, Pobby has a limp on his right leg.  So he couldn't run fast. They are both Kellyanne best friend. Dingan should be pretty that she won the third price of the opal princess competition. As a read though the book, I think they are cute, they will have little temper, fore example they doesn't like Ashmol because he always bully them. But I believe when they see Ashmol come to find them, they should be very happy. Although they look a little bit naughty, they get lost in the claim, but I think they are pretty nice to others. They would like to be friend with Kellyanne who doesn't have any friends.
         I can imagine that they may play with Kellyanne on the fence, they would sit on the swing, and Kellyanne push them on the back, smile will show on Kellyanne's face. After they have fun on the back fence, they Kellyanne will asks mom to get lollipop for Pobby and Dingan. When they get lost in the claim, they should be very nervous, because they never went there before, they don't know anything about their, also claim looks dangerous in Lightning Ridge, so that is why Kellyanne is so worried about Pobby and Dingan. I hope Ashmol can find them and I think I would like to meet them if I have chance.  

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