Thursday, March 3, 2016

In class writing March 3rd

        Pobby and Dingan are two mystery characters. They are Kellyanne's friends. But her brother Ashmol said they are just Kellyanne's imaginary friends. For me I think they may be fake, and not exist in the world. Kellyanne was a girl who doesn't have any friends except Pobby and Dingin, but according to the book nobody can see them, so Kellyanne may just imagine two people that are around her and to play with her. She behave strange in the school and in the home too, she always talks with the air. Everyone can't see Pobby and Dingan so they should not be exist in the world, maybe Kellyanne has some strange illness so that she said their are Pobby and Dingan in the world. 
            In the chapter two, the father said he can see Pobby and Dingan, but he is lying. One time Kellyanne asks where is them, father answers the different answer from Kellyanne, so we can sure that father just wants to lie to Kellyanne and hope his daughter can communicate with human. He try to take away Pobby and Dingan from Kellyanne. As the mom said Kellyanne is a smart kid, they all want Kellyanne can be a normal kid. The reason why Kellyanne said Pobby and Dingan is real is maybe the environment they live in is strange. According to the mom, she said that the place they live is full with criminals and strange things, so the environment may affect Kellyanne, she is a kid, kid is easy to affect by outside environment because she just come to the world for 8 years. She doesn't know a lot of things, so she may imagine. Imagine things that she never know, the things even adults don't know. So I think Pobby and Dingan is fake, they are just the Kellyanne's imaginary friends. 

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