Monday, April 25, 2016

Reflection paper for creative project

       About two weeks ago, James, Zony and I started doing a creative project of a book we just finished reading it called Pobby and Dingan. Our project is to make movie about two scenes happen in the book, it is hard for us to to because none of us had been doing this before, it is a big challenge to all of us. But this is a good prepare for our next year literature and performance course. It is always a good idea to do challenge yourself, because you can learn a lot of new things in during the challenge and improve yourself. We had a lot of things to consider to film a movie, we need to choose which scenes we are going to do; we need to think about what can be change to make the movie be more creative; and all of us need to remember the line we are going to say in the movie. But after all, although it is very hard to us to do the movie, we still enjoy the process, we learn how to edit a movie, we learn how to corporate with you group, and we are proud of ourselves. 
         When we first consider what to do for the creative project, we have two plan. The first one is to make a movie about two scenes from the book, the second one is to make a PPT about the book, we will include our review of the book, and draw map of Lightening Ridge. The PPT is much more easier than the movie, we only need to write and draw, but the visual product would not as good as a movie. Nobody would like to see a group of people just use a PPT to talk about the book, people should get bored when we are presenting, and we don't want our audiences get bored, we want their attention. Present a PPT just like to teach a class, this is not what we want, so we choose the better visual one also the more challenge one. 
       The first step of our project is to pick the scenes we a are going to make, we choose the scenes of the argue between Rex and Annie, and the Peter's photo scene, we choose it because when we are reading the book, the photo scene confuse us, we don't know the answer of why Annie will looks at the photo and why Ashmol will goes to the room to find his mother. So we use the argue between Rex and Annie as a reason or hook to let the photo scene come out, and explains why Annie will looks at the photo. We do this also is to show our deeply understand of the book, and want to make the movie be more creative not just follow the book. The second step is to make the outline for our movie. And the third step is to filming, in this part I act for two scenes, so I didn't filming, James did the first scene because he is not in the first scene, then Zony film the second scene because the second scene happens between James and I. The last step is edit the movie. We do those work very equally, but in some part some one will participate more, in the idea part, Zony came out the most idea, for the outline part James did more and for the edit part, because I have a Mac laptop, so I did more on this part. In the edit part, we add min's music in our narrate parts, I think this really help to improve project. 
        There are two major difficulties in our project. First, we need to remember our line, there is one shot between me and Zony, we did it three time to complete it because the line is too long. We add this fail scene in the end of our film, people should be laugh when they see that. The second difficulty is edit the movie. I never use iMovie before, so I watch a lot of video about how to use iMovie on the Internet, the final product may not be perfect, but we had try our best to edit it. The edit is also our weakness in this project, we couldn't make this like actually movie, there may be some scenes connect not fluently. But we have our strengths, nobody do the movie in this class, so it is new to the whole class, we also change the book, so this will make people curious of our movie, our movie is very creative too. We add some of our own thought in the movie, these so be our advantage. 
        Movie is hard, but we did it, and we learn a lot of things in this project. I learn how to edit a movie; I learn how to act naturally in the movie; I learn how to write a movie outline; I learn how to corporate with others to act in the movie. There are so many things that I had learn in this project. This should be a good prepare for my Literature and Performance course. I don't have any regret to choose to make a movie not a PPT. If you ask again to choose a challenge project or a easy project, I would still choose the challenge one, because I can tell you surely that I can learn much more things in a challenge project than a easy project. 

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