Friday, April 8, 2016

Secret of opal colors

       Their is a sentence before the story in the book says, "The secret of an opal's color lies not in its substance but in its absences." I think it mean that the thing that opal attract people is not the color which is substance on it, the thing that opal attract people is the things inside the opal, opal represent as a dream to the miner, to find opal is their dream, and this is what opal attract them. Opal contain many colors, between each color their are some space which separate every colors in the opal, those missing color spaces are the things make opal beautiful, without those spaces the opal will look kind of messy, because of the absence color in the opal the substance colors can show their beauty. This is kind of a hint for the whole story, because there some absences things run though the whole story, and the title of the story is two invisible characters Pobby and Dingan.  
        In the novel, every characters have their dream which is substance things in their life, but those are the thing which support them to live. The novel is take place in Lightning Ridge, where a place full with dream. People go their to reach their opal dream, and everyone in their believe in some invisible things, one of them is Pobby and Dingan. This is their belief, the belief make their life become colorful, if a person live without belief, then he or she will just be the puppet of life. Kellyanne's substance thing is Pobby and Dingan, she believes she has two imagine friends, and they are one of the most important things in her life. Anne and Rex's substances things is their opal dream, Rex believe he can find the opal in Lightning Ridge and Anne dream so same a Rex, that is why she would follow him and this is also the reason why she marry with him, she chooses him because of he has dream, and the dream will make their life be more exciting. Ashmol substances things is everything in the story, he has a opal dream, he believes in Pobby and Dingan. All the characters know "what is to believe somethings that are unseen, and keep looking for something which is totally hard to find. 
          Opal is the life goal for the family. The family come to Lightning Ridge to find opal, it is something that they are fighting for. If their are no opal in the world, Lightning Ridge won't exist in the world, and this family won't become a family. They Anne and Rex may have their own life, Kellyanne and Ashmol won't come to this world. So opal is the most important to the whole family. In the story, opal mean many things to Ashmol, it mean her mother's flight ticket to England, a big house, the funeral for Pobby and Dingan,  Dingan's belly button, and his dream. Because his father is a miner, so opal is kind of the brace to hold up his life, nothing can replace opal in his life. 
         Opal just like a people's life, colors represent the things people get in their life and the things they did. So there are many different colors in a person's life, and the absences is the dreams and the goals to that person. Because of the dreams and the goals, people do a lot of things to reach their goals and dreams, they get many things because of their dreams and goal. Those substances things appear in one's life is because of the absences things in one's life. Life shine because of the dreams, opal shine because of the missing color. 

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