Wednesday, May 4, 2016

In class writing May 4

          Fig is one of the most important things to father in the poem; It is father's dream. From the poem we know that when father is telling stories to author, father always links fig with the stories, he kind of want author to like fig. But when author first tastes the dry fig, father argues that this is not the fig he is talking about, fig is like the "gift from Allah". So his father thinks fig is the gift from the god, this line also shows the family religion. Fig is valuable to father, and father's dream is to plan a fig tree. Although they move their home a lot of time, they never have a chance to plan one, so when father get old, the last time they move home, father plan a big fig tree. Father doesn't like planing things, many things he plan before he doesn't pay much attention on them, but on fig tree, father takes a lot of care on them and plan it well. The figs on the fig tree are like the whole world to father. So fig is father's dream, and the figs on his fig tree are just like his son, every fig, he will take a good care of them and let them grow well. 
         Fig in the whole poem is like a key, it link the whole poem, and the poem is all about fig. The fig also represent father's dream, and their religion. Maybe because their home country is not that peaceful, so father can't plan fig tree in their, but in America, which a country with freedom, his father can do what ever he wants, and in America father finish his dream. So I would say fig symbolize a many things in the poem, it is father's dream; it is father's son; it represent the father's religion; and it represent the peaceful and freedom.  

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