Sunday, May 22, 2016

Theater Review

         A new theater was showed in black box this Friday and Saturday. The new theater is a comedy show, called "Comedy Tonight". In this show, all the shows were directed by student and Mr.Porter, this is really amazing, because before the theater was most directed by Mrs. Guarino, but this time, students are going to take charge of the show by themselves, it should be a big challenge to them but they did a really great job. As we know from the title for this show, it is a show with fun and laughs. When I was watching the show this Friday, I can heard the laugh in every scenes in the show, this is enough to prove that it is a successful comedy show. 
          What did the great things about this show is it include not only comedy story show but also dance and comedy musical show. One of my favorite shows is actually a comedy musical show call "John Jiang, the Latte Boy", it is about a love story happen between a Starbucks shop woken and a customer. I love the way Sam and John present in this show,  they sing out the poem they wrote for each other, and there are a lot of humor element in the poems. They are not only stand and sing on the stage, they also do some actions to show their feeling and have some props to help them to show the scene. My another favorite show is the morning meeting one, and this is the show I heard the most laugh and clap during the show. It just describes a thing that happen in our life in Cheshire Academy, so everyone can fully understand what they are trying to explain. But it is also hard to act something that everybody know, because the actor need to observe the people they are going to act and find some specific characteristics about that character. All the actor do a good job on their acting, I felt like all the audiences can know who they are acting when they start speaking, this is very hard, but they just do it. Some teachers they act can be realize on their out looking like Ms. Minahan, and Ms. Anderson, some can realize when they start talking like Mr. Dykemen, and Mrs. Monahan. 
            In this whole show, the best actor I like is William An, he did a lot in this show, he dressed himself as a lady, every time I saw he fall I can heard the voice that he make when he fall is all real, I think that should be hurt, but he did it every time. His emotion during the acting are also great, this point especially shows in "Well, That's Unfortunate...". He can brings happy to the audience and I think this is the most essential quality for an comedian. At that time I just feel like he is the Mr.Bean in CA. I love the way he act, he just like a person who born to be a comedian. 
           After all, I should say " Comedy Tonight" is such a great show that I can watch it for serval times and not get bored. The show get my attention during the whole show, it bring me a wonderful night and a happy mood for the whole weekend. I should thanks for every people who wors on this show that they bring me a lot of laugh and happy. I can tell every one work really hard in this show, although there are some little mistakes in the show, but they didn't affect "Comedy Tonight" to be a great comedy show, it is a show that I recommend my friends to watch it, and it can be the show that can show on the theatre in all over the world.  

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