Monday, May 23, 2016

Poem Peer review (Betty's analysis)

        The analysis I read about is from Betty, her poem is called "Once Upon An Autumn Day". The poem is about the life of leaves, and it mainly focus on autumn when the leaves fall to the ground and end their life. Her thesis statement is "Some of the poems can be understood by people who are not good at analyzing poems, the reason is the feelings and the atmosphere of the poem can bring readers into the world that it describes.", she did explain her thesis in her body paragraphs which is really good. This poem is simple but their are many figurative language in the poem and that is what Betty mainly focus on in her analysis. In her analysis she wrote a lot about what kind of figurative language did the poet use in specific lines. She did very well on this part that she had a deep analysis on almost every sentences in the poem. She also wrote about the structure of the poem, the rhythm scheme. She did a really good job on the structure analysis, it is specific, it is accurate, except for some little grammar mistake. 
         There are some grammar mistake in her analysis, for example, "Poem is beautiful and when you read it, it sounds more like a song than a prose." In here she needs to use rather "poem are beautiful" or a "poem is beautiful". Also her word in some sentence is not accurate, for example  "How can author’s emotions when he wrote the poem be understandable by reading the poem?" in here I think she needs to use "poet's" instead of "author's", author can be a person who writes anything, but poet is the person who writes poems, so poet is a better word to use in here. Be careful on the words you use in your analysis. There are few more little mistake in the analysis but everyone would makes mistakes, so I think she needs to correct those mistakes, and her analysis would improve for a grade. The biggest problem I feel like in her analysis is she talks a lot about structure and the figurative language a lot, but she didn't talk much about the meaning of the poem. In the second paragraph she mention the outer meaning of the poem which is the poem show a peaceful atmosphere. But I think she can talk more about the truth inside the poem. In my opinion, I think the poem is about every things has a cycle, old leaves would fall but new leave would grow, and died is not a horrible thing, it also mean rest. So I hope she can talk more about the meaning of the poem to make her analysis be balance, not only focus on one side of the poem. An analysis is more like your understand of the poem, it should include some of your opinion in the what, what you think of the poem. This is what Betty need to work more on her analysis. 
            After all, her analysis is pretty good. She already did well on the structure analysis, what is the poem looks like, but she needs more inside understand of the poem, she needs to add some analysis about what did the poet try to show and the meaning of the poem.  

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