Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Artist respond

        On Thursday, some artist came to our shchool for a photo exhibition. My favorite one is Gary Richards. Gary Richards is a photographer, he grew up in Cheshire. In this photo exhibition, all the photos are about an old derelict factor in Cheshire. According to Gary Richards, " I received an invitation to photograph the inside of the factory, with camera in hand I began to explore." I can imagine that when he walked in the factor, use his camera to take photos of the factor, he imagined what happened in the past, what did the worker do in the past in this factory. I think photo is a magic thing that can make you imagine many things. When I look back the photo I took before, I can alway remember the event that happen that day, it can remind me the every detail in the event. My favorite photo on the photo exhibition was he took a picture of a corner of the factory. There are two big windows of the both side of the corner, and there is a puddle of water it reflect the shadow of two windows which I think is very cool to me. From the photo, I can see the color of the sky is red and blue, the photographer use some special effects to make it looks dim, and let the whole photo looks fantasy. I couldn't tell it is good or bad to use special effects on the photo. But for me, I would prefer the photo without special effects. Because I think it show what is the real looking for that thing, when I looking at a photo, I want to see the truth of the thing in the photo. Sometime, special effects make things seem fake to me, I don't really like that feeling.  As the technology become higher now, many people would like to use special effects to make photo look different, and special. I would say different things suit for different people, a photo looks good or not depend of the taste and person opinion of a person. 

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