Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Book review(Gathering the Pearl)

        "Gathering the Pearl" is the second novel I read in English. Before this, I finish a graphic novel. These two novels run good for me. Especially  for "Gathering the Pearl", the story in "Gathering the Pearl" seems very closed to me. Because I am also a international student from another country and came to America to study. I had so many things to talk about this book. It is also one of my most favorite books in all English reading. I love the story, and I love the main character in the book named Sookan, she is a Korean girl who study in America.  
         I love this story for many reasons. First, this story seems very realistic to me, the story is about a Korean girl went to America to study for a better education. It is same as my own experience. I am a student who comes from China and goes to America to study. I decided to come to America when I was in 9th grade, which is a little bit earlier than Sookan. But same as Sookan, when I first arrived America, I was so nervous at that time, I had a lot of questions appeared in my head, "Would I able to make friends in America?", " Would my life runs good in America?", " Would my grade be good or bad in America?". I had so many question and so many things that I was worried about. But after one year, everything is good in here. I really appreciate how Sookan did in the book, she was a scholarship student, so she needed to do many scholarship work in school, she also did some job during weekend to get some money to spend. Everything she did in her first year is so amazing, she did a lot more than me and I can't imagine those things were done by a international student who just came to America for her first year. The plot in the book is also good, there are two important characters in the book, one is Sookan's mother, another one is Sookan's sister. They are two really different characters. Sookan's mom support Sookan do what she want to do, but Sookan's sister always want Sookan do in her(Sookan's sister) order. In the end of the book, Sookan's mom died, she was one of my favorite characters in the book, I was sad when I read that part, the book influence my emotion. I think this is one of the reason why I love this book. I love the book that can affect my emotion. 
        I love this book, so I also recommend other to read this book. This book can show you how is a international student first come to America to study. It show you the true life of an international student. Also, This is not a hard book to read, so student will confident to keep reading the book. I will be a good chose for other international students to read this book. After all, I love reading "Gathering the Pearl", it become one of most favorite English reading books.

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