Thursday, November 5, 2015

Blog Nov 5

        Now I had read "Gathering of Pearls" for few weeks, I feel like this is an interesting and realistic story to me, it talks about a girl named Sookan from Korea came to America to study in her college age. Since now, I had read that Sookan had been in America for three months. She was in the Christmas vacation right now. When she first arrived America, she felt really nervous which was the same situation when I first arrived America last year. Sookan had a good roommate name Ellen, Ellen was a outgoing girl  and she is one of Sookan's best friends in the school. Another Sookan's best friend was a girl live in a single room cross Sookan's room name Marci, Marci was a girl had a really different characteristic then Ellen , she loved reading and photography also she was really quiet person. These two people are Sookan's two best friends in America, they really helped Sookan a lot in her first three months in America.
          In America, Sookan used letter to communicate with her family in Korea. Her mother and her sister usually send letters to Sookan, but the letter from her mother and her sister were really different. Though the letter from her mother, I known that her mother loved Sookan very much, and her mother always supported her children, she wanted her children to do what ever they like to do, also she was a self-sacrificing person, she wanted to leave all the good things for her children not use by herself. But Sookan sister was really different from her mother, her sister always wanted to control Sookan and made Sookan did things by her order. Sookan's sister didn't really like Sookan to go to America to study, she wanted Sookan to be a nun like her. These things are what I had read till now, I think what will happen in the next part of the story is Sookan will do better then what she did in the first three months. Sookan had done a good job in her first three month, everyone is proud of her, and Sookan is a hard working girl, so I believe she will do a better job next.
       Sookan missed her family very much in America, but I don't think she will go back to Korea because she miss home. Because she wanted her family could be proud of her, she didn't want her family to be disappointed on her, so she would push her even more harder than before, and let everyone around her to be proud of her, she loves that feeling, and also because her family was not that rich so it may be hard for her to buy a plane ticket to go back to Korea now. Since Sookan had already made two best friends, I think her relationship with Ellen and Marci will become better, as the time goes on, their relationship will be more stable. And I think they are all kind to each other's and love each other. Sookan's sister was mad at her right now, but I think Sookan will solve the problem between her sister and herself. She didn't want to have a bad relationship with her sister, her sister did those things because she loved Sookan very much, she wanted Sookan to be good, and I believe Sookan could feel that. 
         Since I had read part of the book, I really like Sookan in the story, she was a strong girl, who tries to everything perfect, she wanted to give a respond to herself and her family for chosen study in America. Also I believe everything will be better in the rest of the book, and Sookan should succeed in the US, she had did a really good job in her first three months. Also because I was an international student in my school too, so I felt this story is very close to me and makes me think of my first year in America. I am good in America now, and I believe Sookan will be good in America in the rest of the story too.  

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