Monday, November 16, 2015

Peter Pan review

        In Nov 15, 2015, I went to black box in Cheshire academy to watch a play did by the drama group from our school. The play is name Peter Pan. Peter Pan was a boy who never grows up, he always stay as the looking of a boy. He likes going to Mrs. Darling home, but he loses his shadow in there too, so he tried to find his shadow back. When he went into Mrs. Darling's house to find his shadow, he talked so loud that Mrs. Darling's children were awake. Mrs. Darling has three children, Wendy, John, and Michael. Wendy was awake first, she found that Peter Pan sat on the chair and had problem with his shadow, so Wendy helped Peter Pan to sew his shadow. For return, Peter Pan decided taught Wendy how to fly, and also taught John and Michael. Peter Pan brought them to Neverland where Peter Pan lived in. In Neverland, they met many things. But they all came over them, such as they defeat the Pirates, they healed Wendy from get hurt by a arrow. At first, Peter Pan wanted Wendy to come Neverland because he wanted Wendy can be a mom for them, because they are all boys, they want the love from a mom. In the end of the play,  Wendy went back to her home, and Peter Pan promises her that he will come year very to see her. 
           I hadn't watch the Disney version before, so I didn't really know the different between these two versions. But I think our school drama team did a really good job in this play. Everyone in the drama act very well and show me what are each characters' characteristics. I love how John act Mr. Darling, his sound is loud enough that everyone in the stage can heard what he is talking about in the play, I think this is very important for a play actor. Also I think Erin also did well in acting Peter Pan. I think I will be hard to act with laser point, you need to talk to it naturally and make audiences know that the laser is tinkle bell is alive. After all I think everyone did a great job in the play, I was surprised that the play looks so professional.  
           After I finished watching the play, one character leave me the most impression. That character is the dog Nana act by William. I think he did very well in this part, the dog sound he made is perfectly just like the sound makes by a real dog. I also see he pay a lot of effort in acting this character. It is a small part in the play, but he make me think about the poster in our English classroom, on the poster it is there are no small part in the play. It is exact what Willian show me in the play. I learn a lot in from the play, this play worth more than what is looks to me. 

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