Thursday, May 26, 2016

Poem analysis first draft

Johnny Liu
                                                Poem Analysis of 12 Line Poem
    Weeks ago, I started memorize a poem called “12 Line Poem”, it is written by Gordon David. He is not a famous poet, his poems are about everything in his life, he didn’t focus on one specific topic, the poem I choose is about 11 pairs of relative things in our life, but mostly people only look at one side of the 11 pairs of thing. The structure of the poem is kind of interesting, because the first 11 lines in the poem is the same, and the last line is an conclusion. The reason why I chose this poem is because the argument in the poem attracts me a lot, it uses 11 pair of things to show that behind every thing should be another things behind it, it may not as positive as the other one, but they actually exist in the world, people just afraid to look at them. 
    The meaning in the poem is very critical. It lines up 11 pairs of things which exist in the world with another thing on the opposite side of it , for example, in the poem it talks about, “For every Heaven, there is a Hell; For every moment there is a now”(12 lines poem). Many people in the world is afraid to face the things which behind the good things. I can’t deny that look at the good things in the world is a good thought, but we can’t be Blind optimism. “For every truth there is a lie”(12 lines poem), many beautiful things has somethings darkness things behind it. There may has captation behind succeed; there may has lies behind truth. There are not only positive things in the world but also many things seem negative which against the good things, we shouldn't be afraid to look those negative things, we need to accept them. When will those things appear? “When every day we face our fears.”(12 lines poem) Nothings is horrible in our life, the way to face those negative things is to give ourselves a goal to reach the positive things in our life. We would have motivation when we try to get away from the negative things. This would be the deeper meaning for this poem, the suffer meaning is the negative things would appear when we face our fear. We don’t need to be afraid of anything, we can’t let the them beat us, we need to be strong in our life, when we are not afraid of anything, we will be the strongest in the world. Many time, the things beat us is the deepest afraid in our heart. 
    There is another meaning in the poem is everythings has its reason to exist our world. “For every push, there is a pull. For every fall there is a fool”(12 lines poem). Everythings has a reason to exist, a person would never fall without a reason, he should be careless when he fall, this is same as a person would never succeed without hard work. On one side of the door people need to pull the door to open it, on the other side people should push to open it. In our life, we can’t only look at one things on a single side; we can’t learn a things without knowing the reason of why the things happen. It is very hard to do these in our life, so we need to think more, this is one of the reasons why some people can get succeed in the world. Think more; think carefully; look things carefully, sound easy but hard to do it consistently. 
    The structure of this poem is easy, the structure of the first 11 lines is the same, there are two parts in each line, which make kind of meter in the poem, the first 11 lines both start with an “For”. This is kind of a repetition in the poem, this make the poem be easy to remember and also easy to read. The emotion of this poem is dependent on different people, for me I think it kind of inspire people in the end part, I would read the last sentence harder and louder, and the last sentence is also a conclusion to the whole poem. The last sentence is the most important sentence in the poem, so it is different of the pattern for the first 11 lines. There are two relative things describe in every line of the first 11 lines, their relationship is different, some is the opposite to each other like heaven and hell; some is one exist because of the other one like pull and push. Although the poem doesn't have rhythm in his poem, the poet uses two things in each line to make a contract to help the reader easy to remember his poem. This it is the special in this poem, not only rhythm scheme make the poem be easy to read, some specific structure, and meter pattern also can do it.
             “12 Lines Poem” is a simple poem, it doesn't have complicated language, it doesn't have long or hard words, but there is two critical ideas inside the poem. There are something exist in the world which many people don't want to face, or admit their existence, because those things don't show as good as the other things, those things are inside their fear. Everything has their reason to exist, when people face their fear, those “bad” things would appear, in front of those “bad” things, we must be strong instead of scare. When we face they, they won't be scared anymore, they can be the motivation for us to get the great things in the world. Second, behind every beautiful things, there should be some things behind them, behinds every smile, there are tears; behinds succeed their are hard work and fail, everything in the world should have a hard process to show its beautiful in the world. 

Gordon David, “12 Lines Poem”.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Poem thesis statement of poem analysis

"12 Lines Poem" written by Gordon David uses 11 pairs of compare or contrast words to show that all situations and objects in the world have two sides, and people need to face both sides of them to live strong and real. 

Monday, May 23, 2016

Poem Peer review (Betty's analysis)

        The analysis I read about is from Betty, her poem is called "Once Upon An Autumn Day". The poem is about the life of leaves, and it mainly focus on autumn when the leaves fall to the ground and end their life. Her thesis statement is "Some of the poems can be understood by people who are not good at analyzing poems, the reason is the feelings and the atmosphere of the poem can bring readers into the world that it describes.", she did explain her thesis in her body paragraphs which is really good. This poem is simple but their are many figurative language in the poem and that is what Betty mainly focus on in her analysis. In her analysis she wrote a lot about what kind of figurative language did the poet use in specific lines. She did very well on this part that she had a deep analysis on almost every sentences in the poem. She also wrote about the structure of the poem, the rhythm scheme. She did a really good job on the structure analysis, it is specific, it is accurate, except for some little grammar mistake. 
         There are some grammar mistake in her analysis, for example, "Poem is beautiful and when you read it, it sounds more like a song than a prose." In here she needs to use rather "poem are beautiful" or a "poem is beautiful". Also her word in some sentence is not accurate, for example  "How can author’s emotions when he wrote the poem be understandable by reading the poem?" in here I think she needs to use "poet's" instead of "author's", author can be a person who writes anything, but poet is the person who writes poems, so poet is a better word to use in here. Be careful on the words you use in your analysis. There are few more little mistake in the analysis but everyone would makes mistakes, so I think she needs to correct those mistakes, and her analysis would improve for a grade. The biggest problem I feel like in her analysis is she talks a lot about structure and the figurative language a lot, but she didn't talk much about the meaning of the poem. In the second paragraph she mention the outer meaning of the poem which is the poem show a peaceful atmosphere. But I think she can talk more about the truth inside the poem. In my opinion, I think the poem is about every things has a cycle, old leaves would fall but new leave would grow, and died is not a horrible thing, it also mean rest. So I hope she can talk more about the meaning of the poem to make her analysis be balance, not only focus on one side of the poem. An analysis is more like your understand of the poem, it should include some of your opinion in the what, what you think of the poem. This is what Betty need to work more on her analysis. 
            After all, her analysis is pretty good. She already did well on the structure analysis, what is the poem looks like, but she needs more inside understand of the poem, she needs to add some analysis about what did the poet try to show and the meaning of the poem.  

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Theater Review

         A new theater was showed in black box this Friday and Saturday. The new theater is a comedy show, called "Comedy Tonight". In this show, all the shows were directed by student and Mr.Porter, this is really amazing, because before the theater was most directed by Mrs. Guarino, but this time, students are going to take charge of the show by themselves, it should be a big challenge to them but they did a really great job. As we know from the title for this show, it is a show with fun and laughs. When I was watching the show this Friday, I can heard the laugh in every scenes in the show, this is enough to prove that it is a successful comedy show. 
          What did the great things about this show is it include not only comedy story show but also dance and comedy musical show. One of my favorite shows is actually a comedy musical show call "John Jiang, the Latte Boy", it is about a love story happen between a Starbucks shop woken and a customer. I love the way Sam and John present in this show,  they sing out the poem they wrote for each other, and there are a lot of humor element in the poems. They are not only stand and sing on the stage, they also do some actions to show their feeling and have some props to help them to show the scene. My another favorite show is the morning meeting one, and this is the show I heard the most laugh and clap during the show. It just describes a thing that happen in our life in Cheshire Academy, so everyone can fully understand what they are trying to explain. But it is also hard to act something that everybody know, because the actor need to observe the people they are going to act and find some specific characteristics about that character. All the actor do a good job on their acting, I felt like all the audiences can know who they are acting when they start speaking, this is very hard, but they just do it. Some teachers they act can be realize on their out looking like Ms. Minahan, and Ms. Anderson, some can realize when they start talking like Mr. Dykemen, and Mrs. Monahan. 
            In this whole show, the best actor I like is William An, he did a lot in this show, he dressed himself as a lady, every time I saw he fall I can heard the voice that he make when he fall is all real, I think that should be hurt, but he did it every time. His emotion during the acting are also great, this point especially shows in "Well, That's Unfortunate...". He can brings happy to the audience and I think this is the most essential quality for an comedian. At that time I just feel like he is the Mr.Bean in CA. I love the way he act, he just like a person who born to be a comedian. 
           After all, I should say " Comedy Tonight" is such a great show that I can watch it for serval times and not get bored. The show get my attention during the whole show, it bring me a wonderful night and a happy mood for the whole weekend. I should thanks for every people who wors on this show that they bring me a lot of laugh and happy. I can tell every one work really hard in this show, although there are some little mistakes in the show, but they didn't affect "Comedy Tonight" to be a great comedy show, it is a show that I recommend my friends to watch it, and it can be the show that can show on the theatre in all over the world.  

Friday, May 20, 2016

Revise Poem analysis

Johnny Liu
                                                       Meaning of things in the world
     There is always a "how" and a "why" for a thing to exist in the world. Weeks ago, I started to memorize a poem called “12 Line Poem”, it is written by Gordon David. He is not a famous poet, his poems are about everything in his life, and he didn’t focus on one specific topic, the poem I choose is about 11 pairs of relative things in our life, but most people only look at one side of the 11 pairs of thing. The structure of the poem is kind of interesting, because the first 11 lines in the poem are the same, and the last line is a conclusion. "12 Lines Poem" written by David uses 11 pairs of compare or contrast words to show that all situations and objects in the world have two sides, and people need to face both sides of them to live strong and real. 
    The meanings of the poem are very critical. It lines up 11 pairs of things which exist in the world with another thing on the opposite side of it , for example, the poem talks about, “For every Heaven, there is a Hell; For every moment there is a now”(12 lines poem). Many people in the world are afraid to face the things which behind the good things. I can’t deny that look at the good things in the world is a good thought, but we can’t be Blind optimism. “For every truth there is a lie”(12 lines poem), many beautiful things has something darkness things behind it. There may have capitation behind succeed; there may have lies behind the truth. There are not only positive things in the world but also many things seem negative which against the good things, we shouldn't be afraid to look those negative things, we need to accept them. When will those things appear? “When every day we face our fears.”(12 lines poem) Nothing is horrible in our life, the way to face those negative things is to give ourselves a goal to reach the positive things in our life. We would have motivation when we try to get away from the negative things. This would be the deeper meaning of this poem, the suffer meaning is the negative things would appear when we face our fear. We don’t need to be afraid of anything, we can’t let the them beat us, we need to be strong in our life, when we are not afraid of anything, we will be the strongest in the world. Many time, the things beat us is the deepest afraid in our heart. 
    There is another meaning in the poem is everything has its reason to exist our world. “For every push, there is a pull. For every fall there is a fool”(12 lines poem). Everything has a reason to exist, a person would never fall without a reason, he should be careless when he fall, this is same as a person would never succeed without hard work. On one side of the door, people need to pull the door to open it, on the other side people should push to open it. In our life, we can’t only look at one thing on a single side; we can’t learn a thing without knowing the reason of why the things happen. It is very hard to do these in our life, so we need to think more, this is one of the reasons why some people can get succeed in the world. Think more; think carefully; look things carefully, sound easy but hard to do it consistently. 
    The structure of this poem is easy, the structure of the first 11 lines is the same, there are two parts in each line, which makes kind of meter in the poem, the first 11 lines both start with a “For”. This is kind of a repetition in the poem, this makes the poem be easy to remember and also easy to read. The emotion of this poem can be different dependent on different people, for me I think it kind of inspires people in the end part, I would read the last sentence harder and louder, and the last sentence is also a conclusion to the whole poem. There are two relative things describe in every line of the first 11 lines, their relationship is different, some are the opposite to each other like heaven and hell; some is one exist because of the other one like pull and push. The poet uses two things compare each other in each line to make a contract to help the reader easy to remember his poem. This it is the special in this poem, not only rhythm scheme make the poem be easy to read, some specific structure, and meter pattern also can do it.
     There is also a ryhmth scheme in this poem, which is ABAB,CDCD,EFEF. This give a poem a feel of clear and strict. The number 1 line and the number 5 line in the poem is questions, and I found out that the follow lines of those two questions line are the answers to those two question. So I think the two questions in this poem separate the poem into two parts, and the answer kind of lead out the finally conclusion sentence of the poem. The first part of the poem portraies that everything in the world has a why, and the sencond part of the poem pritraies that everything in the world has a how. 
     “12 Lines Poem” is a simple poem, it doesn't have complicated language, it doesn't have long or hard words, but it use it special to show there are two critical ideas. There are something exist in the world which many people don't want to face, or admit their existence because those things don't show as good as the other things, those things are inside their fear. Everything has their reason to exist, when people face their fear, those “bad” things would appear, in front of those “bad” things, we must be strong instead of the scare. When we face them, they won't be scared anymore, they can be the motivation for us to get the great things in the world. Second, behind every beautiful thing, there should be some things behind them, behinds every smile, there are tears; behinds succeed their are hard work and fail, everything in the world should have a hard process to show its beautiful in the world. 

Gordon David, “12 Lines Poem”.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Memorize poem

12 Lines by Gordon David (Date Unknown)

For every When? There is a Why? 

For every push, there is a pull

For every truth there is a lie

For every fall there is a fool

For every Where? There is a How? 

For every Heaven, there is a Hell

For every moment there is a now

For every nose there is a smell

For every foe there is a friend

For every smile there are many tears

For every start there is an end

When every day we face our fears 

Friday, May 6, 2016

CA found poem

Cheshire academy,
made up by boarding students
17 states, and 30 countries 
Student grow and learn in here

Five different dorm
Different design, but full of warm
Single room, double room, triple room
Relax Atmosphere in the room

Unwind, study, talk to friends
listen to music, play games and find time to be alone
Friendships built in the school
Awesome people in the school 

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Found poem

For the past week, several dozen men have circled a site in Nairobi National Park, unloading elephant tusks from shipping containers -- many of them so big it takes two men to carry one tusk -- and building them into towers of ivory up to 10 feet tall and 20 feet across.It forms something like a graveyard for some of the world's iconic endangered species.
On Saturday, the graveyard will turn into a crematorium.
Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta will light a match to 105 tons of elephant ivory, 1.35 tons of rhino horn, exotic animal skins and other products such as sandalwood and medicinal bark.
This destruction of illicit wildlife goods dwarfs anything similar that has been done before.The tusks alone -- from about 8,000 elephants -- would be worth more than $105 million on the black market, according to wildlife trade expert Esmond Bradley Martin.The rhino horn, from 343 animals, would be worth more than $67 million. Together, it's more than $172 million worth of illicit wildlife goods going up in smoke.That's one and a half times more than Kenya spends on its environmental and natural resources agency every year.But the Kenyans say that the stockpile is not valuable -- it's worthless."From a Kenyan perspective, we're not watching any money go up in smoke," Kenya Wildlife Service Director General Kitili Mbathi said. "The only value of the ivory is tusks on a live elephant."
Past few weeks,(A)
unloading tusks from truck(B)
ready to be fire(B)

Hundred tons, hundred million dollar(A)
A lot of ivory, and lot of money(A)
Tusks in the fire, (C)
painful in the heart.(C)

Ivory stockpile is worthless(A)
no money show in the smoke(A)
the real value for ivory(D)
is on a live elephant(D)

    Shape poem

    Wednesday, May 4, 2016

    In class writing May 4

              Fig is one of the most important things to father in the poem; It is father's dream. From the poem we know that when father is telling stories to author, father always links fig with the stories, he kind of want author to like fig. But when author first tastes the dry fig, father argues that this is not the fig he is talking about, fig is like the "gift from Allah". So his father thinks fig is the gift from the god, this line also shows the family religion. Fig is valuable to father, and father's dream is to plan a fig tree. Although they move their home a lot of time, they never have a chance to plan one, so when father get old, the last time they move home, father plan a big fig tree. Father doesn't like planing things, many things he plan before he doesn't pay much attention on them, but on fig tree, father takes a lot of care on them and plan it well. The figs on the fig tree are like the whole world to father. So fig is father's dream, and the figs on his fig tree are just like his son, every fig, he will take a good care of them and let them grow well. 
             Fig in the whole poem is like a key, it link the whole poem, and the poem is all about fig. The fig also represent father's dream, and their religion. Maybe because their home country is not that peaceful, so father can't plan fig tree in their, but in America, which a country with freedom, his father can do what ever he wants, and in America father finish his dream. So I would say fig symbolize a many things in the poem, it is father's dream; it is father's son; it represent the father's religion; and it represent the peaceful and freedom.  

    Friday, April 29, 2016

    Thursday, April 28, 2016

    Poetry Blog April 28

    Trees - Joyce Kilmer
    I think that I shall never see
    A poem lovely as a tree.
    A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
    Against the earth's sweet flowing breast;
    A tree that looks at God all day,
    And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
    A tree that may in summer wear
    A nest of robins in her hair;
    Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
    Who intimately lives with rain.
    Poems are made by fools like me,
    But only God can make a tree.
    (I pick a new poem because I think the new one has more things to talk about)

            I really like this poem which I just find. It has 6 stanzas in the whole poem, and each stanzas only have two line, totally it has 12 lines, this makes the poem is very easy to read. Each two lines in the poem have the same end sound, for example the two lines in the first stanza both end with "" sound, so the form for this poem is AA, BB, CC, DD, EE, FF. Except of the first line the others line in the poem all has the same beats, there are eight syllables in each line, because of this, the poem is easy to read with beats and also easy to remember. I think this is why people wrote poems instead of writing articles or essay in ancient time. In this poem, I found that the first line in stanzas two, three, and four both begin with "A tree", this is a repetition which is a kind of tool use in many poems. This will makes the poem be readability, and make a deep impact on the readers. This poem uses tree to describe a poem, and I think the poem had been described is itself. This is kind of interested to me, and I love the poet uses this metaphor in the poem. This bring gives me a image of a tree on the land, waves its leafy in the wind and pray to the god. Although there is no image with this poem, but I already had an image of the tree had been describe in the poem by just read the lines in the poem. I think the most interesting point in the poem is at the end of this poem, the poet said god made tree, and he made poem, he kind of compares himself with god and compare the things they made, although he said himself is a fool, but I can see his pride by he use himself to compare with god.  

    In class poetry writing


    Little Things

    Little deeds of kindness,

    Little words of love,
    Help to make earth happy
    Like the heaven above.

    - Julia Fletcher Carney
    Little Things
    by Julia Fletcher Carney

    Little drops of water,

    Little grains of sand,
    Make the mighty ocean
    And the pleasant land.

    Thus the little minutes,

    Humble though they be,
    Make the mighty ages
    Of eternity.

    So our little errors

    Lead the soul away
    From the path of virtue
    Far in sin to stray.

    Little deeds of kindness,

    Little words of love,
    Help to make earth happy
    Like the heaven above.

    I choose it because it is not very long, and the Internet said it is the top 10 best short poems. But the mainly reason is I love what is saying in the poem. It talks about the little things in our life is informant, because all the big things are combine by many small things. In like it because I like the way the poem explain it topic, it use many examples to show how small things are important and how small things can be great. If there are no little things in the world, then the big things like ocean and land exist. And little things can also have a bug effecting, little things are not only little things, they can be great. 

    Monday, April 25, 2016

    Reflection paper for creative project

           About two weeks ago, James, Zony and I started doing a creative project of a book we just finished reading it called Pobby and Dingan. Our project is to make movie about two scenes happen in the book, it is hard for us to to because none of us had been doing this before, it is a big challenge to all of us. But this is a good prepare for our next year literature and performance course. It is always a good idea to do challenge yourself, because you can learn a lot of new things in during the challenge and improve yourself. We had a lot of things to consider to film a movie, we need to choose which scenes we are going to do; we need to think about what can be change to make the movie be more creative; and all of us need to remember the line we are going to say in the movie. But after all, although it is very hard to us to do the movie, we still enjoy the process, we learn how to edit a movie, we learn how to corporate with you group, and we are proud of ourselves. 
             When we first consider what to do for the creative project, we have two plan. The first one is to make a movie about two scenes from the book, the second one is to make a PPT about the book, we will include our review of the book, and draw map of Lightening Ridge. The PPT is much more easier than the movie, we only need to write and draw, but the visual product would not as good as a movie. Nobody would like to see a group of people just use a PPT to talk about the book, people should get bored when we are presenting, and we don't want our audiences get bored, we want their attention. Present a PPT just like to teach a class, this is not what we want, so we choose the better visual one also the more challenge one. 
           The first step of our project is to pick the scenes we a are going to make, we choose the scenes of the argue between Rex and Annie, and the Peter's photo scene, we choose it because when we are reading the book, the photo scene confuse us, we don't know the answer of why Annie will looks at the photo and why Ashmol will goes to the room to find his mother. So we use the argue between Rex and Annie as a reason or hook to let the photo scene come out, and explains why Annie will looks at the photo. We do this also is to show our deeply understand of the book, and want to make the movie be more creative not just follow the book. The second step is to make the outline for our movie. And the third step is to filming, in this part I act for two scenes, so I didn't filming, James did the first scene because he is not in the first scene, then Zony film the second scene because the second scene happens between James and I. The last step is edit the movie. We do those work very equally, but in some part some one will participate more, in the idea part, Zony came out the most idea, for the outline part James did more and for the edit part, because I have a Mac laptop, so I did more on this part. In the edit part, we add min's music in our narrate parts, I think this really help to improve project. 
            There are two major difficulties in our project. First, we need to remember our line, there is one shot between me and Zony, we did it three time to complete it because the line is too long. We add this fail scene in the end of our film, people should be laugh when they see that. The second difficulty is edit the movie. I never use iMovie before, so I watch a lot of video about how to use iMovie on the Internet, the final product may not be perfect, but we had try our best to edit it. The edit is also our weakness in this project, we couldn't make this like actually movie, there may be some scenes connect not fluently. But we have our strengths, nobody do the movie in this class, so it is new to the whole class, we also change the book, so this will make people curious of our movie, our movie is very creative too. We add some of our own thought in the movie, these so be our advantage. 
            Movie is hard, but we did it, and we learn a lot of things in this project. I learn how to edit a movie; I learn how to act naturally in the movie; I learn how to write a movie outline; I learn how to corporate with others to act in the movie. There are so many things that I had learn in this project. This should be a good prepare for my Literature and Performance course. I don't have any regret to choose to make a movie not a PPT. If you ask again to choose a challenge project or a easy project, I would still choose the challenge one, because I can tell you surely that I can learn much more things in a challenge project than a easy project. 

    Monday, April 18, 2016

    Creative project progress

           We just finished our first scene filming yesterday. So far we had already finish our outline of the film, and the first scene filming. What we still need to work on is our second scene filming and edit the film. We are going to connect two scenes together on iMovie. Also we decided to use min's music in our film too. For the begging and the ending, we decided to add two parts of narrator to explain how is the story going on, and show the main idea to the audience. In the very end of our film, we will add some part of our practicing scenes(e.g. Acting mistakes) to show how we make this movie. We had done half of our project, but we still have a lot to do. We are doing well now, and we will do better. 

    Sunday, April 10, 2016

    Proposal- Creative Project

             In Pobby and Dingan Creative project, I am going to make a film with James and Daniel. The film we are going to make include two scenes from the book, the first scene is about the argument between mom Annie and dad Rex in chapter 1, the second one is about the conversation about the photo of Peter between Ashmol and Mom in chapter 6. We are going to make these two scenes connect together as mom looks at the photo after she argues with dad. I think this change makes more sense to the readers of why mom looks at the photo about her front life, this also shows we are deeply understand the book, and we are trying to make the story better.
             In our film, I will be mom, Daniel is going to be dad of James (Ashmol). We may use IMovie to make our film. We are going to make the film about 5 to 10 minutes, if the two scenes that I talk about before are shorter than 5 minutes, then we will add one more scene about the funeral of Pobby and Dingan, this will be our Plan B! Also because we don’t have actual photo, we are going to use ipad to show the picture of Peter instead of actual photo, so our film will looks more like happening in 21st century. This is a creative project, not a filming project we don’t want our film looks like the same as the story in the book, this is why we make some changes in our film.

           The reason why we are going to make a film is because we are both going to take Literature and Performance next years. I think this will be a good practice for our next year class, and also this should help us to prepare for the next year class. We can learn a lot from this project, we will learn how to edit a film, and how to act. Make a film is new to all of us, we may not make a perfect film this time, but we will do our best on making this film, and I think we will good a good job on it. 

    Friday, April 8, 2016

    Secret of opal colors

           Their is a sentence before the story in the book says, "The secret of an opal's color lies not in its substance but in its absences." I think it mean that the thing that opal attract people is not the color which is substance on it, the thing that opal attract people is the things inside the opal, opal represent as a dream to the miner, to find opal is their dream, and this is what opal attract them. Opal contain many colors, between each color their are some space which separate every colors in the opal, those missing color spaces are the things make opal beautiful, without those spaces the opal will look kind of messy, because of the absence color in the opal the substance colors can show their beauty. This is kind of a hint for the whole story, because there some absences things run though the whole story, and the title of the story is two invisible characters Pobby and Dingan.  
            In the novel, every characters have their dream which is substance things in their life, but those are the thing which support them to live. The novel is take place in Lightning Ridge, where a place full with dream. People go their to reach their opal dream, and everyone in their believe in some invisible things, one of them is Pobby and Dingan. This is their belief, the belief make their life become colorful, if a person live without belief, then he or she will just be the puppet of life. Kellyanne's substance thing is Pobby and Dingan, she believes she has two imagine friends, and they are one of the most important things in her life. Anne and Rex's substances things is their opal dream, Rex believe he can find the opal in Lightning Ridge and Anne dream so same a Rex, that is why she would follow him and this is also the reason why she marry with him, she chooses him because of he has dream, and the dream will make their life be more exciting. Ashmol substances things is everything in the story, he has a opal dream, he believes in Pobby and Dingan. All the characters know "what is to believe somethings that are unseen, and keep looking for something which is totally hard to find. 
              Opal is the life goal for the family. The family come to Lightning Ridge to find opal, it is something that they are fighting for. If their are no opal in the world, Lightning Ridge won't exist in the world, and this family won't become a family. They Anne and Rex may have their own life, Kellyanne and Ashmol won't come to this world. So opal is the most important to the whole family. In the story, opal mean many things to Ashmol, it mean her mother's flight ticket to England, a big house, the funeral for Pobby and Dingan,  Dingan's belly button, and his dream. Because his father is a miner, so opal is kind of the brace to hold up his life, nothing can replace opal in his life. 
             Opal just like a people's life, colors represent the things people get in their life and the things they did. So there are many different colors in a person's life, and the absences is the dreams and the goals to that person. Because of the dreams and the goals, people do a lot of things to reach their goals and dreams, they get many things because of their dreams and goal. Those substances things appear in one's life is because of the absences things in one's life. Life shine because of the dreams, opal shine because of the missing color. 

    Wednesday, April 6, 2016

    Difference between the ending in the film and the ending in the book

    Kellyanne wasn't dead in the film, but she was dead in the book

    The funeral host gives back the opal to Ashmol in the film, but he didn't give it back to Ashmol in the book

    The old Sid appear in the end of the book and tries  to fight with Rex, but this didn't happen in the film


    Friday, April 1, 2016

    Quiz chapter 8-12 P&D

    2. What connection does Asmol make between the land covered with seawater and Pobby and Dingan? Why is that important to the story?

            On the way Ashmol went to the claim to find Pobby and Dingan, he remember he heard about Lightning Ridge was once covered by seawater before, he think this is something that really happened but sound unbelievable, after this he started think about that" suddenly I thought......was true too"(p.568). Lightning Ridge was covered by seawater can happen, so why not Pobby and Dingan can be true? Ashmol started being believe that Pobby and Dingan were really exist, although he forced himself to don't think about this, he had already being curious in his mind. So this is the turning point of the story, because of this thought, Ashmol really paid attention in the claim to look for Pobby and Dingan, instead of just pretending. If he didn't think about Lightning Ridge was once covered by sea water, and started think Pobby and Dingan were true, he may not looking for Pobby and Dingan for real in the claim. So it is very important that Ashmol think about seawater covered Lightning Ridge and make connection with Poddy and Dingan. 

    5. In the very end of the novel, Ashmol talks about what it’s like to “believe in something which is hard to see. Or to keep looking for something that’s totally hard to find.” Discuss the importance of imagination and dreams in this novel. Why are they so important even if they cannot be seen. Consider what dreams Rex, the father, and Annie, the mother, have in the story. Consider, also, the dream that Ashmol has. How do those "unseen" dreams connect to Kellyanne's belief in Pobby and Dingan?
           Every characters in this story have dream, and Lightning Ridge is a place where full with dream. People dreaming they can find opal and be rich in here, that is why people come to this poor land and start their mining life. Dream is important, dream bring people a goal for their life. People in Lightning Ridge all have the same goal, which is finding opal. Although dream and the imagination are unseen, they are important to people, they keep people alive.  
             In the story, Annie who is the mother of Ashmol and Kellyanne have a dream to follow his husband Rex to Lightning Ridge to find opal, and later she has another dream to go back to England. Her first dream makes her give up a good opportunity to marry with a rich and good man, instead she follow Rex who have a dream to find opal. Rex dream also become her dream, the dream supports her to keep staying in Lightning Ridge with Rex. Her son Ashmol who also has a dream, his dream is very big but also very simple, he wants his family can become better and in his dream he wants his mother and father's dream can come true. Kellyanne is a special exist in the story, she believe in she had two imagination friends, this support to alive until now, her imagination bring her happiness, her happiest time is the time she stay with Pobby and Dingan. Those are the things what is "unseen", but not every one can have them, you need to have belief, and those unseen things is the things support people to keep living in their life, and it is reason for them to love in the world.  

    Thursday, March 10, 2016

    Description of Pobby and Dingan

            Pobby and Dingan are two children about 12 years old, according to the book. It talks about there is a picture about Dingan and Kellyanne, it said Dingan is 12 years old. Dingan is girl, so she is shorter than Pobby. Kellyanne talks a lot about Pobby and Dingan in chapter 7 when she talks with the people who come to their home and said that they had found Pobby and Dingan. There is one interesting fact is Pobby and Dingan never sleep, they don't need to rest themselves, this make me feel,like they may not be human, they may be aliens. The food they eat is strange too, they only eat Cherry Ripes and Violet Crumbles and lollies. Also they are both pacifist, they will never shoot. Although they have so many similarity, they still have some specific characteristics for their own. Dingan has a opal in her belly button, Pobby has a limp on his right leg.  So he couldn't run fast. They are both Kellyanne best friend. Dingan should be pretty that she won the third price of the opal princess competition. As a read though the book, I think they are cute, they will have little temper, fore example they doesn't like Ashmol because he always bully them. But I believe when they see Ashmol come to find them, they should be very happy. Although they look a little bit naughty, they get lost in the claim, but I think they are pretty nice to others. They would like to be friend with Kellyanne who doesn't have any friends.
             I can imagine that they may play with Kellyanne on the fence, they would sit on the swing, and Kellyanne push them on the back, smile will show on Kellyanne's face. After they have fun on the back fence, they Kellyanne will asks mom to get lollipop for Pobby and Dingan. When they get lost in the claim, they should be very nervous, because they never went there before, they don't know anything about their, also claim looks dangerous in Lightning Ridge, so that is why Kellyanne is so worried about Pobby and Dingan. I hope Ashmol can find them and I think I would like to meet them if I have chance.  

    Thursday, March 3, 2016

    Vocabularies March 3rd

    Bold: sentences I make  underline: definition.   (Inside): part of speach.

    claim: place with mine(n.)
    Miners spend the whole day to work in the claim
    me and Dad were relaxing after a hard afternoon’s work out at the claim.

    wobbling: shaking(adj.)
    He wobbling stand on the single-plank bridge
    The noise of a car drove into our ears and a four-wheel-drive police jeep came wobbling down the creamy red track that leads to our claim.

    startled: to stimulate to action(v.)
    When she saw her pet dog die, she startled.
    My dad turned around, startled. He was totally off his guard.

    figment: imaginary things(n.)
    Ashmol thinks Pobby and Dingan are figment
    Pobby was a figment of her imaginings.

    rummaged: search around(v.)
    Jimmy rummaged for his toy on the floor
    He rummaged through piles of rocks.

    ute: a member of the Shoshonean people of Utah and Colorado and New Mexico(n.)
    Many years ago, a lot of Utes were killed by Germany
    Kellyanne glared at me through tears the way she did the time I slammed the door of the ute in Dingan’s face

    crackpot: a whimsically eccentric person(n.)
    Some people think Van Gogh is a crackpot
    Lightning Ridge was full of flaming crackpots as far as I could see.

    Mello Yello: a soft drink(n.)
    If you like Sprite, you should like Mello Yello
    “Pobby and Dingan aren’t dead,” I said, hiding my anger in a swig from my can of Mello Yello.

    mates: a pair of people who live together(n.)
    Mom said:" my son, I hope you can talk with your mates, not doing everything by yourself."
    “I still say Kellyanne could do with some real-live mates,”

    opal: a translucent mineral consisting of hydrated silica of variable color; some varieties are used as gemstones(n.)
    Jeweler love using opal to make jewelry.
    Tomorrow we’ll be on opal, son, and we’ll be bloody millionaires!

    fairdinkum: fair and square, true and reliable(adj.)
    " Is this information reliable?"
    "fair dinkum."
    Example from book: "We’re close, boy. Close. There’s definitely something in that earth with the name Williamson on it!” “Fairdinkum?”

    imaginary: not based on fact; dubious(adj.)
    Many things fiction novels are imaginary.
    “You see, my sister’s got two imaginary friends called Pobby and Dingan—maybe you’ve heard of them—and she thinks my dad lost them out on the claim.

    grub: food, worm(n.)
    I will give grub to my pet dog twice a day
    She said they were quieter and better behaved than me and deserved the grub.

    fossilized: preserved to become a fossil(adj.)
    The most valuable thing in this museum is a fossilized from a tyrannosaurus
    There’s rumours going that Lucky Jes has taken out a million-dollar stone and a fossilized mammoth tooth with sun-flash in it.

    mammoth: an ancient animal(n.)
    Mammoth is extinct animal. 
    There’s rumours going that Lucky Jes has taken out a million-dollar stone and a fossilized mammoth tooth with sun-flash in it.

    In class writing March 3rd

            Pobby and Dingan are two mystery characters. They are Kellyanne's friends. But her brother Ashmol said they are just Kellyanne's imaginary friends. For me I think they may be fake, and not exist in the world. Kellyanne was a girl who doesn't have any friends except Pobby and Dingin, but according to the book nobody can see them, so Kellyanne may just imagine two people that are around her and to play with her. She behave strange in the school and in the home too, she always talks with the air. Everyone can't see Pobby and Dingan so they should not be exist in the world, maybe Kellyanne has some strange illness so that she said their are Pobby and Dingan in the world. 
                In the chapter two, the father said he can see Pobby and Dingan, but he is lying. One time Kellyanne asks where is them, father answers the different answer from Kellyanne, so we can sure that father just wants to lie to Kellyanne and hope his daughter can communicate with human. He try to take away Pobby and Dingan from Kellyanne. As the mom said Kellyanne is a smart kid, they all want Kellyanne can be a normal kid. The reason why Kellyanne said Pobby and Dingan is real is maybe the environment they live in is strange. According to the mom, she said that the place they live is full with criminals and strange things, so the environment may affect Kellyanne, she is a kid, kid is easy to affect by outside environment because she just come to the world for 8 years. She doesn't know a lot of things, so she may imagine. Imagine things that she never know, the things even adults don't know. So I think Pobby and Dingan is fake, they are just the Kellyanne's imaginary friends. 

    Tuesday, March 1, 2016

    Friends of Life

    Johnny Liu
    English II
                                                               Friends of Life
           Many people in the world seems unsocial, but in fact they just need some help. Me and You by Ammaniti and the film, Good Will Hunting directs by Gus Van Sant Jr are two good examples showing this. Lorenzo and Will are the main characters in these two stories. They are both smart people; however they were both unsocial before but they changed in the end. This shows that everyone can be change, and there are no problem kid in the world. Lorenzo and Will both didn't had a lot of friends, and they didn't have the courage to face to the world, but after Lorenzo meets Olivia, and Will meets Sean, they change. In both stories, the main characters found a person with whom they could explore their emotions, and learned that the only thing you need to change yourself is courage and a person who will support you.
           Many people are totally different from what they were like when they were kids. Me and You shows everyone in the world can change themselves, they just lack a person who can really listen to them,. If you have a person who will support you, everyone can change. The main character Lorenzo was a smart kid, he always stayed alonE and didn’t have many friends, but after he met his sister Olivia and got along with her in the basement for few days he was affected by her and changed into a normal kid who would like to get closer with the outside world. Lorenzo is a good actor, in the book he said: “I pretend to be a normal kid with problems”(Ammaniti 29) from this we know he didn’t want anyone to know who he really is, so he always wears a mask in his life. Many people who acts like they are unsocial are afraid to communicate with others. Sometime they just want to protect themselves by not talking with others. In Me and You, Lorenzo is afraid of talking with others: “You have to be very confident to make jokes in public”(Ammaniti 19). He didn’t have confidence to talk with others. Sometime, people don’t have the courage to do something, because courage is usually hard to get, but everything changes after he meet his sister, Lorenzo describes his sister looking like, “Stretched and tired. She wasn’t as beautiful as she had been two years ago”(Ammaniti 74). He saw Olivia, as being in a similar situation as him. She was fewer friends than he has. So when he sees Olivia in pain, he decides to help her, which makes him feel he really did something meaningful to somebody. It is the first time he has this kind of feeling. This is the turning point in his life, Lorenzo changes: “I felt alive-it took my breath away. In a few hours I would leave that cellar. And everything might go back to the way it was. And yet I knew that beyond that door the world be able to talk to the others like I was one of them”(Ammaniti 143) Before Lorenzo was a unsocial boy, he was afraid of everything having to do with others, but after he meets Olivia, he dances with her, and starts to have confidence. Olivia is a person who knows about him; a person with whom he can express emotion; a person who helps him break the wall between himself and the outside world. Everyone in the world meets this kind of person in their life. It could be your teacher, your friend, or your parent. So Me and You demonstrates that there is no problem kid, every “unsociable people” need a person to give them confident to Contact with the Outside World, and they will all change themselves.
           Have you ever saw a genius but never show his talent to others? Will is the main character in Good Will Hunting, and he was a half-baked genius, but after he meets Sean he becomes integrated. This story portrays that sometime people was afraid of doing something, they need a person who could gives them courage, then they would become more than you could imagine. Will is a genius but his job is a cleaner in MIT. Everyone in the world have their own qualities, and everyone would think they have some good qualities and some bad qualities. When they are associating, they would prefer show their good qualities to others not their bad quality. Will didn’t want to show his talent because he is afraid his talent would makes him got away from his friends, so he thinks his talent is his bad quality. Because every time he uses his talent, he would upsets the students from famous universities, or he would stimulates the psychology doctors by telling them what they were thinking in their mind. On the other hand, normal makes him gets friends. As what Sean said to Will is, “You’ll never have that kind of relationship in a world where you’re afraid to take the first step because all you see is every negative thing 10 miles down the road”(Good Will Hunting). Will was afraid of having relationship with others, so he only had a limited of friends, he doesn’t trust others, the things he trust are books, he spends a lot of time on reading. When people don’t trust others, they would spend a lot of time on doing what they like, they won’t communicate with others, not communicate with the outside world. Sean was different from others to Will, he is a person who would shows his true face to Will, he tells many things about himself to Will, even tells Will about the death of his wife, this action breaks the wall between his heart and Will's heart. Will starts changing himself, he starts talking about himself to Sean. Another day, when Will goes to visit his friend Chunk, Chuck tells him, "Look,you're my best friend,so don't take this the wrong way,but in 20 years,if you're living next door to, me,coming over watching the fucking, Patriots' games and still working construction,I'll fucking kill you. And that's not a threat,that's a fact.I'll fucking kill you."(Good Will Hunting). This gives Will courage to face the outside world. The reason he doesn't want to show his talent is, he is afraid he would lost his friends if he shows his talent, and gets a better job. In our life, we all need a person who we could express our emotion, we need a place to release ourselves, Will didn’t have one before but now he gets one, he expresses himself to Sean and get courage from Chuck to be himself, so he changes himself. We don’t need a lot to change ourselves, we need a little bit courage from others, like the courage Will gets from Chunk and Sean.
    Human is social animal, not like cheetah, or snake, human need friends to stay with, they live with others. If a person lives without friends or family, he will miss a lot of fun in the world, and never knows what is love, his life will be uncomplicated. In Good Will Hunting Sean said, “I doubt you've ever dared to love anybody that much. I look at you.I don't see an intelligent, confident man. I see a cocky, scared-shitless kid. But you're a genius, Will. No one denies that. No one could possibly understand the depths of you. But you presume to know everything about me, because you saw a painting of mine. You ripped my fuckin' life apart”(Good Willing Hunting). Lorenzo and Will were afraid to talk with others before they meet Olivia and Sean, their friends of life, who always support them, and they can talk with. Their lives just begin after they meet their friends of life. They don’t know what is outside world looks like before, in the Good Will Hunting Sean told Will, “I can't learn anything from you I can't read in some fuckin' book. Unless, you wanna talk about you…who you are. Then I 'm fasci ated. I'm in. But you don't want to do that, do you, sport? You're terrified of what you might say”(Good Will Hunting). Will lacks of confidence to talk with others, same as Lorenzo, so they lock themselves in their own world, they need somebody to bring them out to the outside world. Lorenzo and Will’s stories show that life will be better to live with friends and family, and face to the outside world. Many people think this kind of people have infantile autism, infact they are like a green and inexperienced kid, they need a people who would talk with them, human can’t live without friends and family.
              Me and You is one of the best English books I had read, and Good Will Hunting is one of the best movies I had watched. They prove one point, nobody is really a alone wolf in the world, they just need a person whom they could explore their emotion, and they need courage to help them to get into the social. The endings in  Me and You and Good Will Hunting are very similar, the main characters lay to their friends and cried. They finally find a place to express their emotion. There are many this kind of people in the world, when we see this kind of people, what we can do is to help them to overcome themselves, and bring them to the world, not looking them as a strange person. I think this may be the reason why Ammaniti wrote this book, and why Gus Van Sant Jr directed this film.

                                                                        Work Cited

    Ammaniti Niccolò. Me and You. New York: Black Cat, 2011. Print.
    Good Will Hunting. Dir. Lawrence Bender. Perf. Matt Damon, Robin Williams, Ben Affleck. Miramax Films, 1997. Film.

    Monday, February 29, 2016

    Favorite character in Once on this Island

          My favorite is Papa, I think he is one of the kindest character in the whole play. First, he raises Ti Moune from a unknow girl to a lady, it is a really impressive thing to raise a orphan that you never know, and just because you meet one on the road. He is poor, he is hard to feed his family, but he decided to raise a orphan. After Ti Moune grows up, papa doesn't force to do what he wanted, he lets Ti Moune what she really wants to do, he doesn't force Ti Monue to save Daniel. And he try to find Daniel's parents told them they he found their son. Although when he went to the rich people house, the guard is rude to him, he doesn't leave, he try's to explain why he go their. Those actions show he really loves Ti Moune, he look To Moune as his real daughter. Many things he did show he is a kind person and with a good characteristic, so my favorite character is Papa.

    Sunday, February 28, 2016

    Review of Once on this Island

               Friday night, I went to see our school musical called Once On this Island. Frankly, when I first heard that I should went to see I the play, I was unwilling to go. But after I saw this musical play, I change my mind. I love the story, not like many other stories, it doesn't have a good ending, the ending is between good ending and bad ending I think, which I like it because it is especial. If the ending is Ti Moune and Daniel becomes together, it would just be a normal love story, but the ending is Ti Moune becomes a tree who would watches the changes of the world. I think this is kind of interesting, and a good result for Ti Moune. 
              Many people may wanted Ti Moune can marry with Daniel, but I think this may not be a good ending for Ti Moune, imagine if Ti Moune marry with Daniel, will she be happy to live with others prejudices? She is a peasant, in the world in Once on this Island, peasants and rich people are in two different world, two world never meet, rich people look down on poor people, they never let poor people get into their place. So even Ti Moune marry with Daniel, she may not has a happy life to stay in rich people's place. People in nowadays still have this kind of idea, although people are equal nowadays, some rich people still look down on power, and doesn't like them, and rich family won't like their children to marry with a poor person. This world is unfair, money and social status decide everything. So Ti Moune becomes a tree is kind of a good a arrange for her, at least she could watches the changes of the world. 
             Beside the good story, the actors did a great job too. I love how a musical play run on, there are a lot of great music in Once on this Island. Because there is so many great music in the play, I didn't feel bored during the whole play. The music in the play are diversified, sometime the music make me feel happy, sometime the music make me feel sad, sometime the music make me feel melancholy, and sometime the music make sound mystery. The best music in the whole play I think is when Daniel lays on the ground, and Ti Moune hugs him and sings. I love this singing part, the actor's voice is beautiful, and has strong infection to the audiences. Her singing sound truthful, I can tell she really wants Daniel can reborn. For the best sense for me is Papa asks to get into rich place to find Daniel's father. James acts Papa really well, he looks so poor and really helplessness, he really wants to get into rich house, but the Gate Guard rejects him. At that time, I felt anger to the Gate Guard for rejecting Papa. I think a good actor is the actor who can effect audiences' emotion. And for the best part for me in this play is when all the actors sing together. Those senses make me feel shock, and every actors' action are almost the same and do in the same time, I really appreciate this, I can tell they spend a lot of time to practice, so they can do this so perfectly. 
                After all, I really like this play, I feel honor that I can watches this play, and I have forgot the unwilling when I first heard I had to come to this play. And I am look forward to watch the next play in the spring.  

    Friday, February 26, 2016

    Blog about writing center trip, Feb 26

              Today extra help I went to writing to visit Ms. Swift for revise my essay about comparing Lorenzo and Will. I had a good time in the writing center, it is the second I go there, I love the atmosphere there, there are sofa for students to sit on. So I wasn't bored when I was waiting in the writing center. I love there, I love the atmosphere in there, I feel comfortable to stay there. 
              After Ms. Swift look over my essay, she gave me two major advices. The first one is do not repeat the things that had already talked about in the front part. Second is when I am tell what is happening in the story, I do not need to use past tense, I need to use present tense, expect I am comparing two things that are happened before and after in the story, then I need to use past tense to describe the older things in the story. For the first advice, I think it really helps me to improve my essay, because sometimes when you talking one thing many times in the essay, it would make the reader confuse of it. It doesn't help you to explain a thing, it make the thing to be complicated, and dull. For example, I mention Lorenzo is a smart kid so many times in my essay, this makes my essay seems only had one point and dull, so I don't need to mention Lorenzo is a smart kid after I point this out at the first time. For the second advice, she said I need to change my tense. This is the thing I never noticed before, this make me better describe the story in essay. So I think it is a very useful advice.
             Beside those two advices she gave me, we still find some small error in my essay. The first one is I didn't use most suitable word to describe one things, for example, I said "Many people who show like unsocial", in here act is a better word instead of using show. Second, for quote, Ms.Swift told me that if I already mentioned the author name before, then I don't need to mention it again, I just need to write the page number. Third, still about quotes, sometime I didn't need to quote the whole sentence for the books or films, I should make the quote connect with my essay, so long is not the best, suitable is the best. For example, I use a quote to describe Olivia, but I copy the whole thing from the book as "She'd lost a lot of weight and her square cheekbones stuck out........She wasn't as beautiful as she had been two years ago". For this quote, the front part is not relate to my essay, so I can actual cut that part, and only use the last part, this make the quote connect with my essay more. Forth, I couldn't make one sentence to be too long, I should cut some long sentences in to two or more short sentences, this help readers to read. The last error is I need to use some conjunctions to connect my sentence, this make my essay fluently. Those are small errors, but correct those errors will make essay become much better. 
              My writing center trip help me a lot on my essay. It worth a lot for me, I really helps me to improve essay, I believe my essay will improve a lot after this revise.  

    Wednesday, February 24, 2016

    Revision review

           I just finished the first two body paragraphs in my essay, and I need to write one more body paragraph and one conclusion paragraph. The last body paragraph I am going to talk about how is Lorenzo and Will different and how are they similar. In the revision draft, I change my topic sentence a little which make the readers can understand more what I am talking about. Also I add more detail to explain my argument, because I know that there are some places in my essay which make reader confuse a lot from the feedback. And I did some grammar corrections too. I think there are still some spelling and grammar in my essay, so I am going to do more correction in my essay. And I plan to see Ms. Swift to see what else problems do I still have. Maybe about the essay structure, or the balance between analysis and summary.  I think my strengths is I have some special argument in my essay, and I use some quotes to support my argument, and I pick a good movie which the main character Will has some similar points with Lorenzo and also some different points with Lorenzo so I can talk more about them in my last body paragraph. The weakness in my essay are I usually make reader confuse on my essay, I may use more evident to do more explanation in my essay, and I need to correct all my grammar and spelling mistakes in my essay. The most difficult part when I wrote my essay is to explain my arguments, because the sentences I use to explain my arguments are too long, so I need to cut them, but sometime I don't know which parts do I need to cut and which parts do I need to save. But after all, during writing this essay, I think my writing had been improved. I feel like I can think more and have more interesting opinion to write about. Another thinks is I can write one paragraph in one time without stop. I usually would stop at some point and just stuck on it when I wrote essay before, but now I won't. so I think I had improve myself on writing this essay. 

    Tuesday, February 23, 2016

    Revise graft

    Johnny Liu
    English II 
                                                  Friends of Life
            There are many people in the world looks unsocial, but in fact they just need some helps. Me and You and Good Will Hunting are two good examples showing this. Lorenzo and Will are the main characters in these two stories. They are both smart person; they were both unsocial before but they changed in the end, this explore that everyone can be change, there were no problem kid in the world. Lorenzo and Will both didn't had a lot of friends, and they didn't have the courage to face to the world, but after Lorenzo met Olivia, Will met Sean, they got change. In both stories, the main characters found a person with whom they could explore their emotions, and learned that the only thing you need to change yourself is courage and a person who will support you.
            Many people are totally different from what they were like when they were kids. Me and You shows everyone in the world can change themselves, they just lack of a person who can really listen to them, if you have a person who will support, and everyone can change themselves. The main character Lorenzo was a smart kid, he always stayed along and didn’t have many friends, but after he met her sister Olivia and got alone with her in the basement for few days he got affected by Olivia and changed into a normal kid who would like to get closer with outside world. Lorenzo was smart kid and a good actor: “I pretend to be a normal kid with problems”(Ammaniti 29) from here we can know he didn’t want anyone to know who he really is, so he always wore a mask in his life. Many people who shows like they was unsocial is just afraid to communicate with others, sometime they just want to protect themselves by not talking with others. In Me and You, Lorenzo afraid of talking with others: “You have to be very confident to make jokes in public”(Ammaniti 19), he didn’t have confident to talk with others. Sometime, people just doesn't have the courage to do something, but courage is usually hard to get, but everything changes after he met his sister, Lorenzo describe his sister as “She’d lost a lot of weight and her square cheekbones stuck out. Her face looked stretched and tired. She wasn’t as beautiful as she had been two years ago”(Ammaniti 74), he saw Olivia, who was in a similar situation with him, didn’t have many friends, but even worse than him. So when he saw Olivia was in painful, he decided to help her, which make himself felt he really did something meaningful to somebody. It is the first time he had this kind of feeling. This was the turning point in his life, Lorenzo got change: “I felt alive-it took my breath away. In a few hours I would leave that cellar. And everything might go back to the way it was. And yet I knew that beyond that door the world be able to talk to the others like I was one of them”(Ammaniti 143) Before Lorenzo was a unsocial boy, he afraid of everything which needs to do with others, but after he met Olivia, he danced with her, he started have confident to do social contract with outside world. Olivia is a person who know about him; a person with who can express his emotion to; a person who help him to break the wall between him and the outside world. Everyone in the world will meet this kinds of people in their life, they could be your teachers, your friends, or your parents. So Me and You demonstrates that there is no problem kid, every “unsociable people” need a person to give them confident to Contact with the Outside World, and they will all change themselves.
            Have you ever saw a genius but never show his talent to others? Will is the main character in Good Will Hunting, and he was a half-baked genius, but after he met Sean he became integrated. This story portrays that sometime people just afraid of doing something, they just need a person who could give courage to them, then they would be more than you could imagine. Will was a genius but his job was just a cleaner in MIT. Everyone in the world have their own qualities, and everyone would think they some good qualities and some bad qualities. So in their life, they would like to show their good qualities to others not their bad quality. Will didn’t wanted to show his talented because he afraid his talented would made him got away from his talent, he thought his talented is his bad quality. Because every time he use his talent, he would upset a student from famous university: or he would stimulate the psychology doctor by knowing what they were thinking in their mind. On the other hand, normal makes him gets friends. As what did Sean said to Will, “You’ll never have that kind of relationship in a world where you’re afraid to take the first step because all you see is every negative thing 10 miles down the road”(Good Will Hunting). Will afraid of have relationship with others, so he just had a limited of friends, he didn’t trust others, the only things he trust were books, so he love reading books. When people don’t trust others, they would spending a lot of time on doing what they like, they won’t communicate with others, they may reading, they may solving some math problems, but not making friends. But Sean was different from other to Will, he is the person who would shows his true face to Will, he told many things about himself to Will, even about the death of his wife, this action break the wall between his heart and Will's heart. Will started changing himself, he started talking about himself to Sean. Another day, when Will went to visit his friend Chunk, Chuck told him, "Look,you're my best friend,so don't take this the wrong way,but in 20 years,if you're living next door to, me,coming over watching the fucking, Patriots' games and still working construction,I'll fucking kill you. And that's not a threat,that's a fact.I'll fucking kill you."(Good Will Hunting), those word gave Will courage to hell him to face the world, because the reason he didn't want to show his talent is because he afraid he would lost his friend if he show his talent. In our life, we both need a person who we could express our emotion to, we need place to release ourselves, Will didn’t have one before but now he got one, he express himself to Sean and got courage from Chuck to be himself, so he started changing himself. We didn’t need a lot to change ourselves, sometime we only need a little bit courage from others, just like Will got courage from his friend and Sean, so he became an integrated person.